Client Experience - Sempreon IDAgent scans Dark Web to detect compromised user account information

Client Experience - Sempreon IDAgent scans Dark Web to detect compromised user account information


  • Many businesses are beginning to do a better job with securing their IT infrastructure via improved policies, procedures, and training

  • Some businesses (far too few) are implementing stronger authentication policies with strong, complex passwords and multi-factor authentication

The Problem

  • Most businesses have no means to know whether they have compromised credentials for sale or otherwise disclosed on the Dark Web

  • Some users tend to use the same password across all of their platforms which means if it is disclosed, the attacker can access multiple platforms potentially including those which are most business-critical

The Impact

  • Within a few days IDAgent had detected compromised accounts for a variety of users

  • Knowing this gave us and this specific client a tool to not only identify the compromised accounts, but to identify where policies needed to be adjusted

  • This tool identified credentials disclosed to the Dark Web relevant to past breaches at, LinkedIn,, and many others

  • IDAgent is making a difference in hardening authentication procedures, with the net impact of protecting client data

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